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del Working Model della MSC Working Knowledge
il primo software di prototipazione virtuale
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    Note tecniche
    sul Working Model - visualNastran 3D

    Questa sezione mostra con esempi semplicissimi come trarre il massimo vantaggio dalle funzionalitą meno ovvie del visualNastran 3D Motion (Working Model 3D).

    Educational Models
    3D Flexbeam
    3-way Linear Spring
    Air Resistance
    Ball Sticking to Wall
    Breakaway Pin
    Circular Translation
    Constraint Forces Expressed in World Coordinates
    Conveyor Belt - Drop Transfer
    Conveyor Belt - Sliding Transfer
    Gear Example - no Collisions
    Gear Example - with Collisions
    Intermittent Motor
    Max Force Measurement
    Plane to Plane COnstraint
    Revolute with Friction
    Rotational Joint Stops (180 degrees)
    Rotational Joint Stops (not 180 degrees)
    Spherical Spring Damper
    Spring Active When
    Static Friction on Disk
    Swinging UV Joint


    Fun Models
    Airplane Launcher
    Bicycle Crash
    Bicycle Ghost Ride
    Circus Man
    Newton's Cradle
    Planet Gear Set - with History
    Planet Gear Set - without History
    Stunt Man
    Vehicle Suspension


    Matlab integration
    Cat and Ball
    Hand and Ball

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