Come ci si può correttamente interfacciare con CATIA?

Per gli utenti di visualNastran 2001r2 (v.6.4) è disponibile la patch vNCatia641-English.exe che assicura la possibilità di aprire ed importare parti CATIA v.4 in visualNastran.
Agli utenti CATIA v.5 è richiesto di salvare prima le parti in formato CATIA v.4.

Per gli utenti di visualNastran 2002 (v.7.0) è disponibile la patch vND2002CatiaSP1.exe che assicura la possibilità di inserire parti multiple (ovvero più files Catia) in un'unico file visualNastran, eventualmente gestendo le cartelle in cui si trovano le parti Catia come sottoassiemi per visualNastran, come dalle indicazioni seguenti.
Attenzione, files non contenenti modellazione solida ma bensì superfici o wireframe possono far abortire il processo: si raccomanda quindi di seguire anche le Istruzioni Generali riportate più oltre.

Si raccomanda l'uso di visualNastran 2004 sp1 che fornisce le prestazioni migliori.

Istruzioni per vND2002CatiaSP1.exe

The Catia Importer allows you to easily insert multiple Catia *.model files into a single MSC.visualNastran Desktop document. You specify the folder containing the Catia *.model files and whether you want that folder searched recursively. You can also have the Catia Importer interpret sub-folders as MSC.visualNastran Desktop subassemblies upon import.


1) The Catia Importer requires MSC.visualNastran Desktop to be running with one or more documents open. The chosen Catia *.model files will be inserted into MSC.visualNastran Desktop’s active document.

2) "Insert files from subfolders" Option
If this option is checked, the Catia Importer will search the chosen folder and all sub-folders for Catia *.model files. If unchecked, only the selected folder is searched and any sub-folders are ignored.

3) "Translate folder hierarchy into assembly structure" Option
If this option is checked, any Catia *.model files found within sub-folders of the chosen folder will be inserted into MSC.visualNastran Desktop subassemblies of the same name as the sub-folder. For example, if "C:/Temp" is the chosen folder, and "C:/Temp/gear train" contains Catia *.model files, the bodies resulting from those files will be inserted into a MSC.visualNastran Desktop subassembly named "gear train". This option is only available if the "Insert files from subfolders" option is checked.

Istruzioni generali


CATIA offers several modes to create models. The most important are the Draw and the Space mode.

Draw Mode

The Draw is used to make a sketch in a 2 dimensional area. You see a coordinate system with two axes called V ( vertical ) and H ( horizontal ) on the screen.

Space Mode

This mode is used to define or create your 3 dimensional Models. You can temporary switch to the 2 dimensional mode. This mode has reduced capabilities.

The function DRW->SPC is used to make a connection between the Draw- and the Space Mode. This allows you to transfer 2 dimensional geometry into the Space modus. You need two sketches from the draw mode to get a well defined 3D Model.

CATIA allows you to save Models inside different file types:

  • MODEL ( .model used for Models with CATIA-default settings )
  • SESSION ( used for Assemblies )
  • EXPORT-Files ( .dlv or .exp )

    About CATIA Models

    The geometry data in CATIA is mainly classified into DRAW elements and PACE elements. DRAW elements are 2D elements created for generating rawings, while SPACE elements are in 3D space created for generating the 3D model.

    A CATIA model typically contains following categories of data:

  • Geometry Elements (SPACE / DRAW)
  • Standard / User defined Attributes
  • Parts / Assemblies
  • Surface & Solid History Information
  • Solid Feature Information
  • Header Information (User comments, Dates, Name, Purpose etc.)
  • Model Information (Version number, Unit, Scale, Tolerance etc.)

    CATIA File Types (Model / Export / Session / Assembly)

    A Model file is the native CATIA file format containing basic geometry.
    It may point to Project file for accessing some table related to Annotation styles etc. (like hatch pattern style).
    The file extension is *.model.
    The *.model file may contain either single or multiple solids, with or without a combination of space and/or draw entities.
    An Export file is the combination of Model file data and all necessary information from Project file(s), referenced by Model file(s).
    The extension is typically *.exp.
    They can contain single or multiple models and project information (e.g. CATIA "setups").
    The files are commonly referred to as DLV or Export files.
    These files area created with the CATIA CATEXP utility.
    A Session file is one way of storing assembly information. It is stored as *.model file and internally points to other *.model files containing part geometry.
    Assemblies can also be stored as *.asm files. This is a new approach (in CATIA V. 5.0) and provides better control to end users than Session files.
    *.asm files also internally point to *.model files containing part geometry.

    Data Transfer V4 Models to visualNastran 4D

  • You have to save your CATIA model as a Model-File ( .model ).
  • You must be inside the 3D Space Mode.
  • vN4D doesn't read .dlv or .exp Files

    Data Transfer V5 Models to visualNastran 4D

  • Save your V5 CatPart Document inside a .model file.
  • Open it with CATIA V4 and save it again as a .model-file (You must be inside the 3D Space Mode).

    General instructions

  • 1 General

  • Please delete all the geometry that is not to be included in the transfer; the model should only contain the geometry which is actually to be converted (time/cost savings).
  • Please use the (curve) precision (0.02mm or a greater degree of precision) appropriate to the purpose.
  • Please do not use any special characters (especially /*%) or umlauts in the names within the CAD system.
  • Please break down all the geometry generated by other programs (macros, user-defined applications, PDM tools, etc.) so that the model only contains the standard data types.
  • Associativities cannot be included in the transfer

  • 2 Preparing CATIA models

  • Please delete all non-referenced geometry, e.g. all NOSHOW/NOPICK geometry and all unused details
  • Please link all SETS with the "SETS/LINK" function if possible.
  • Please deactivate all filters ("LAYER/FILTER"/All function).
  • Please use the precision required in the target system (e.g. IDENTICAL CURVE TOLERANCE = MODEL DIMENSION/10^5).
  • Please check the model with "CATCLN" and rectify any errors.
  • Please use codepage ISO8859-1 (use the CATIA utility CATAIX to set this codepage if necessary).
  • Please do not use any embedded project files (PRJMODEL = TRUE).
  • Please check that only closed solids with correct mass and inertia properties are saved in the file (no surfaces enclosing the empty space with gaps and holes, for example).

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